Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm sorry, was I intruding?

Why yes Facebook, I believe you were. But not to worry; I have a feeling you'll be forgiven.

Facebook's privacy policy has been getting a lot of attention lately--not in a good way. A lot of users have grown increasingly skeptical about where their personal information is going, how it's being used and who exactly is seeing it. In fact, according to an article I found on, 30% were planning to quit because they didn't trust the site with their personal information. That got Facebook's attention.

Today, to the cheers of media guru's and college kids everywhere, Facebook unveiled its new privacy policy. Instead of automatically sharing information with everyone, the controls instead revert to any personal changes you've made. That's a start. And the privacy options are now much easier to understand.

So, is all well and good? Well I don't know about that.

Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. Of course I sort of love it; I'm a recent college grad. But in the week and a half that I've been in the real world, that love has diminished. I just like it now.

I like its convenience, but like all the other worriers out there, I worry that Facebook is getting a little careless with my personal info. Even with the shiny new and improved policy. Apps anyone? They still take your information. Ever wonder exactly where that goes, or exactly why that I Love Gilmore Girls app needs to know your favorite music?

I won't do anything drastic; I won't quit. I'm an addict. So for the sake of all the other hopeless addicts out there, I hope this new privacy policy is as good as it thinks it is.

And if not, well, we're watching you, Facebook.

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