Wednesday, June 30, 2010

V4Men. Wait, what?

There's a store called V4Men.
That's it. No explanation, no clue as to what the store wants to sell you. They just give you a handy V4Men label, and expect you to walk right in.

So I think I'm gonna walk in. Because all I've been able to think about for a whole day is what this V stands for (ok, and Jacob Black). It's something just for men, and it starts with a V. I'm fairly certain I know what this thing may be, but I won't spoil the surprise. And I just in case, I've come up with a list of alternatives:
-Velcro 4 Men
-Vices 4 Men
-Vacuum's 4 Men
-Vapid Men
-Varicose Veins 4 Men
-Velociraptors 4 Men

Now, unless it's a velociraptor, I'm not really interested in this product. And obviously, the store isn't interested in selling it to me. But regardless, I will brave the awkward stares and the uncomfortable moment when I open the door to find rows of V----- surrounding me, just so I know. Once and for all.

So why has this store been so irritatingly present on my mind? Because the store didn't come right out and say what it was selling. It gave me a hint, a little teaser, and then left me to my own devices. Dangerous territory, but effective advertising.

The whole point is that I'm still thinking about it a day later. Had the store simply told me that it was selling Vegetables 4 men, I would have lost interest before I was done reading the title. But by leaving me with sneaky little V, the company has successfully piqued my interest. It's sort of like that godawful 5-dollar-footlong Subway song--the godfather of all annoying advertising. You might hate Subway for it, but that song is ingrained in you for life. Sorry.

Lesson learned? Find a way to keep people thinking about your product. Preferably a much less annoying one than Subway.

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