Friday, June 4, 2010

Put Some Confidence in Your Creativity

I am not creative. It's not my gift.

Here's why: I can't draw pictures. I don't sculpt. I've never thought of a science-fiction or fantasy plot. I don't wear hot pink eyeshadow or hang out at indie coffee houses. I go to Starbucks, ok?

So when the situation arises that requires a little creative thinking, I immediately revert to the aforementioned "I am not creative" mindset. You can guess what happens next.


So I'm trying out a new mantra: I'm creative. And in order to fully embrace my new-found creativity, I must address some of the major roadblocks keeping this creativity in check.

1. The constant "I'm not creative" chant. I'm done with that. I'm no robot; I have a mind, a personality and even a little imagination. I think I can produce some creativity with that.

2. The Fear. The dreaded, make-your-heart-pound-and-palms-sweat fear of sounding a little bit stupid. Or worse, a lot stupid. I am quite familiar with The Fear, and quite ready to be done with it. This is a blog, which means that if someone's laughing at what I'm saying then at least I'm not there to see it.

The point? Social media in general requires a little creative thinking, and a blog certainly does. But it's not something to spend hours stressing over; I'm not ready to take the fun out of Facebook or the funny out of YouTube videos. And if I can break through my mental block and tap into some creativity, anyone can. Even if they go to Starbucks.

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