There isn't a whole lot you can't find on the internet today. Is it nice to be able find anything you could dream of with a few swift clicks? Sure. But there's also a lot out there that shouldn't be: the weird, the creepy, the downright wrong.
What's the creepiest of the creepy? The wrongest of the wrong? The beautiful people dating website, which basis its membership on the votes of its established, beautiful members. If someone isn't deemed beautiful enough by the masses, they don't get in.
And now according to Mashable, the site has included its own sperm bank, where beautiful people can connect and plan to make beautiful babies. The site's creator has announced that now, even the non-beautiful (or as he graciously calls them, ugly people) are allowed to browse at the beautiful bank.
Seriously, this a real site. I couldn't make this up if I tried; these things called morals wouldn't let me.
The real point of this post is to show how the internet can and is used for bad. Almost anything can be made easy now, from the wonders of email to the creepiness of designer babies, and it can happen so fast people won't even know it until its done. So keep yours eyes open.
I am. And I will never look at a beautiful baby the same way again.
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