Monday, May 24, 2010

Social Media Submersion

Day one. A day of new faces, old friends and the whole new world of fan pages. You see, not only is it day one for this beautiful butterfly blog, but it's also day one for me at my new job. My first real, post-college job. Which means we can all be reasonably sure of one thing:

I am a Facebook addict.

Facebook has become an obsession; the greatest procrastination tool ever created, and therefore a college student's best friend and worst enemy perfectly packaged in a laptop. But as I began my training in the world of social media--a job that allows me to do what I thought I did best, facebook--I realized one rather unsettling thing:

I don't know the first thing about Facebook.

I can talk to my friends, sure. I'm a pro at letting them know exactly what I'm doing as I'm doing it. But until today, I had no idea how to use Facebook as a tool. I didn't know how businesses utilized pages to their advantage. I didn't even know that blogs had Like buttons. But now the game's changed; I've graduated from a personal profile to a business one.

One quick tip I picked up today: never underestimate the power of the mighty @. When trying to lure new fans to a new page, the @ key may just be your new best friend. It's simple: Post. Repost. Make your own page, write your own post, and then repost something that a similar page has posted. You'll get their attention, and the attention of their followers as well.

The lesson of the day? It's no longer just fun and games, Facebook. It's time to get down to business.

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